Friday 12 June 2015

I give you the future, I give you the dausage.

Well this is weird. Could it just work; I reckon it might. Endless flavour combinations. A dausage! The article below is from lifehacker:-

Another day, another crazy culinary hybrid to send our tastebuds into overdrive. This time, it's the dausage. Which, for those who haven't worked out already, is a sausage and a doughnut. Combined.

Dreamed up by Welshman Liam Bennett, the dausage is a regular-tasting sausage with all of the jammy goodness of a doughnut squished into the middle.

There are a number of different variations, including pork with strawberry jam, chicken with raspberry and venison with strawberry custard. The more you hear the different flavour variations, the more appealing it's sounding, right? RIGHT? Okay just us.

Liam Bennett is so passionate about his dausage that he's launched a Kickstarter campaign in order to raise funds to take his idea from small-scale and handmade to a much larger, mass-produced level.

He believes that once he can build a sausage-making machine he'll be able to take the idea to the next level and offer it up to retailers.


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