Monday 11 February 2013

Tory Death Tax 2013

In 2007 or so the Tories ran a huge campaign against Labours "death tax". They got over a 5% bump in the polls. George Osborne led the charge.

Now we are told by George Osborne that he is to freeze inheritance tax until 2019. Thereby doing the same thing he objected to Labour doing. George is doing it to avoid spending cuts required to cover social care reform.

The death tax is back and it's a Tory tax after all.

This will be seen as another dagger in the heart of the blue rinse brigade, who are just coming to terms with gay marriage, hugging hoodies, hugging huskies, forgiving bankers etc etc.

Don't forget it's the blue rinse brigade who actually vote Tory so why Cameron and Osborne insist on attacking them along with the aspiring classes is perplexing.

There must be a better reason than being bullied by the Lib Dems. Surely!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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