Sunday 16 December 2012

The Sunday polls

The figures for the Independent on Sunday are:

Conservative 28% (-3)
Labour 39% (-4)
UKIP 14% (+6)
Lib Dem 9% (-1)
Others 9% (+1)

Andrew Hawkins of Comres is quoted as saying:

"The Conservatives are leaking votes to UKIP – one in five (19%) of the party’s 2010 voters say that they now intend to vote UKIP. There is good evidence that many UKIP voters are erstwhile Conservatives on the rebound: large proportions are negative about David Cameron and George Osborne on the economy, and about Mr Cameron’s handling of gay marriage."

We also have an Opinium poll for the Obsever. The headline figures are:

Conservative 29%
Labour 39%
UKIP 14%
Liberal Democrats 8%

Meanwhile Anthony Wells of YouGov in the Sunday Times notes.

"Ed Miliband has maintained a double-digit lead over the Tories in this week's poll
This week's topline figures are: Conservatives 33%; Labour 45%; Lib Dems 9%; and UKIP 8%.

So not great for the Tories any which way you look at it. Meanwhile UKIP are flying at present but will it translate into votes.

See the ever good UK Polling Report for more detail.

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