Tuesday 4 September 2012

Boris is right on Heathrow

Below is Boris Johnson's reaction to Justine Greening being sacked today from being Secretary of State for Transport because she objected to Heathrow expansion.

‘There can be only one reason to move her – and that is to expand Heathrow Airport. It is simply mad to build a new runway in the middle of west London. Nearly a third of the victims of aircraft noise in the whole of Europe live in the vicinity of Heathrow.

‘Now it is clear that the Government wants to ditch its promises and send yet more planes over central London. The third runway would mean more traffic, more noise, more pollution – and a serious reduction in the quality of life for hundreds of thousands of people. We will fight this all the way.’

Both Boris and Justine are right to object to expansion - after all it is still Tory policy and it's plainly insane to further ruin west London with noise and pollution when it is not necessary.

It's a daft idea that will cost the Tories safe seats.

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