Thursday 17 November 2011

Balls - Nailed


Guido Fawkes spotted the following eloquent speech today - its so very accurate -

"Ed Balls popped up for a Five Live phone in. What’s the worst that could have happened? Well step forward Lee, a real life voter:

“It would be better for Labour and the country if you weren’t there… You were there in Treasury…you are the problem. When I hear you I just want to switch off because you have no credibility in what you say… the Labour Party would be better served, even if the message was the same, if it wasn’t coming from you, more people would listen. If you’re trying to get your message across it’s not working because you are tainted with what went before.”

Victoria Derbyshire summed it up nicely “What Lee is saying is you, Ed Balls, are toxic”."

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