Wednesday 2 November 2011

It's not all about the money

An annual income of £100,000 is enough to put a recipient comfortably within the top 2% of all earners, and the figure has become a key indicator that the recipient is a high-flier.

The BBC's Panorama survey of the best-remunerated public servants in 2010 took £100,000 as its yardstick - and it found that some 38,045 state employees take home that amount or more each year. Going by official figures, that leaves about 545,000 privately employed people earning £100,000 or more per year in 2010.

However apparently everyone at this level is still skint as guess what - they spend it. It's all relative you see. Plus lots get whacked on tax too, especially at the minute.

It's all ebbs and flows. Nought is what it seems. These figures are good for the politics of envy but not much else as there are too many other variables in life.

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